
本頁圖片/檔案 - ewc0服務簡介 (Service Introduction)



With the development of rehabilitation technology and improvements in community environments and transportation facilities, there is an increasing demand for support services for electric wheelchairs. In 2003, our organization initiated a program called "One-stop Electric Wheelchair Service" to provide comprehensive electric wheelchair repair services.



Electric wheelchairs are crucial for individuals with mobility difficulties as they enhance their mobility and social engagement, enabling them to live independently, integrate into society, and improve their quality of life.

本計劃成立至今,使用電動輪椅的人數日漸增多,並有越來越普及的趨勢,已超過逾萬人次接受服務。承蒙 傅德蔭基金有限公司贊助,本會於二零一三年七月成立一個新的運作中心,以配合持續增長的服務需要。為電動輪椅使用者的需要,提供一站式綜合支援服務。

Since its establishment, this program has seen a growing number of electric wheelchair users, with a trend towards greater popularity, serving over ten thousand individuals. Thanks to the sponsorship of Fu Tak Iam Foundation Limited, our organization established a new operational center in July 2013 to meet the increasing service needs. We provide one-stop comprehensive support services to meet the needs of electric wheelchair users.


服務宗旨 (Service Objectives)



Our aim is to provide one-stop services for electric wheelchair users, including usage assessment, training, consultation, repair, inspection, and rental services, to assist users in living independently, integrating into society, and improving their quality of life.


服務內容 (Service Contents)


  1. 電動輪椅維修服務 (Electric Wheelchair Repair Services)


    We offer high-quality and comprehensive one-stop maintenance and repair services for electric wheelchairs, including motor, controller, frame, battery, tires, and other accessories.

    * 須預約或自行將輪椅運送到本會的維修工場。在維修期間,更可免費借用本會之電動輪椅,但須視乎有否後備電動輪椅而定。

    * Appointments are required, or users can transport their wheelchairs to our repair workshop. During the repair period, users may borrow electric wheelchairs from us free of charge, subject to the availability of backup electric wheelchairs.

  2. 電動輪椅上門檢查 (On-site Inspection for Electric Wheelchairs)


    Users can schedule an appointment for engineers to conduct inspections at their location, addressing issues related to electric wheelchairs and other accessories, ensuring safe and efficient operation.

  3. 電動輪椅輔助儀器 (Electric Wheelchair Assistive Devices)


    Different assistive devices can be installed based on individual members' specific needs, making it easier for users to operate electric wheelchairs and enhancing their range of activities and functionalities.

  4. 電動輪椅租賃服務 (Electric Wheelchair Rental Services)


    We provide short-term electric wheelchair rental services for individuals in need. This service can also be utilized as a trial before purchasing an electric wheelchair (limited to a maximum of 3 months).

  5. 電動輪椅駕駛學院 (Electric Wheelchair Driving Academy)


    We offer on-site driving training and provide relevant knowledge to individuals in need, such as beginners in using electric wheelchairs.

  6. 電動輪椅諮詢服務、評估及推薦服務 (Electric Wheelchair Consultation, Assessment and Referral Services)

    The following services are Provided by professional occupational therapists:
    . 免費電話諮詢服務 (Free telephone consultation)
    . 上門評估所需電動輪椅尺寸及附加設備 (On-site assessment of the size of the electric wheelchair and other required accessories)
    . 安排上門試車 (Arrangement of on-site trial driving)
    . 替評估個案提供免費跟進購買輪椅 (Provide free follow-up services for the purchase of electric wheelchair)
    . 新車上門檢驗服務 (On-site inspection of new electric wheelchair)
    . 一般電動輪椅操作訓練 (General electric wheelchair operation training)

  7. 舊電動輪椅捐贈 (Donation of Used Electric Wheelchairs)


    To promote environmental sustainability and reduce maintenance costs, we welcome donations of used electric wheelchairs from organizations and individuals. These donations allow us to collect usable parts for future repairs.



服務對象 (Service Target)



Electric Wheelchair User


申請方法 (Application Method)



Referral can be made by social service agencies, hospitals and clinics. Self referral is also accepted.


收費內容 (Charging Plan)


  服 務 類 別 (Service Type) 服 務 內 容 (Service Content)


Repair Service

每次 HK$300 each time (如需更換零件,費用另議 If replacement parts are needed, the cost will be negotiated separately)
* 本會可安排運回工場,需另加來回運費
* Wheelchair would be shipped back to workshops, plus return shipping charging


On-Site Check Service

每次 HK$300 each time (如需更換零件,費用另議 If replacement parts are needed, the cost will be negotiated separately)


Rental Service

月租 Monthly HK$700; HK$850; HK$1,100; HK$1,200; HK$1,500 (按輪椅型號而定 according to the wheelchair model)
* 租用者需先繳付租金及來回運費
* renter should provide prepayment of rent and return shipping fee


Consultation, Evaluation and Referral Service

每次上門 Every time of Visit HK$100*

計劃購買電動輪椅之人士 Who plans to buy an electric wheelchair


Driving Academy Service

每次上門訓練 Every On-site training HK$100*

* 上述服務優惠只適用於本港居民。此外領取綜援人士,本會可代為申請津貼。

* The aforementioned offer is only applicable to Hong Kong residents. For CSSA recipients, the service can apply for allowance from the social security field units on behalf of the applicant.

租賃電動輪椅款式 (Electric wheelchair models available for Leasing)

本頁圖片/檔案 - 002_EWC03
* 上述圖片緊供參考。查詢租賃詳情,歡迎與本會有關職員聯絡。
* The above photos are for reference only. For further information, please feel free to contact us.


服務單張及會員申請表 (Leaflet and Membership form)


電動輪椅一站通服務單張及會員申請表 (Leaflet and application form of EWC service)


表格下載 (Download Form)



Application Form of Electric Wheelchair Rental Service


Application Form of Manual Wheelchair Rental Service




新界葵涌健康街 1-7 號致華工業大廈 8 字樓 B 室
Unit B, 8/F., Che Wah Industrial Building, 1-7 Kin Hong Street, Kwai Chung, N.T. 


(852) 2772 3080

(852) 2772 3280








9:00am-12:30pm ; 1:30pm-5:30pm




You can leave a message via e-mail, we will answer your enquiries as soon as possible.